WOW, a lot has happened since I posted my first piece on Newgrounds in December 2009: I've completed a whole album (11 tracks of the 13 I posted so far), I've been on the top 30 best tracks board in the audio portal thrice, and several loving ( and hating a like) listeners have listened, voted, reveiwed and downloaded my music; to this I am ever grateful.
I have had a change of heart with my stagename though, intead of MC Bacon, which would suggest that I rap, I have decided to take the title of DJ (Professor Admiral) Bacon.
I am also glad to annonce that my endeavours in musical programming have been carried out in vain; this is due to a unique oppurtunity I have been offered wherein I shall be creating music for a video game which will be presented at E3 next year known as "Final Saga".
Lastly I would like to give out links to my websites where one can more easily download my entire album and see what else I am up to:
HEY HEY HEY HEY, I have the zipped file of awesome music for you.
Sweet, send it then to my email: