Professor Admiral Bacon @Bacon92

Age 32, Male

Phila. College of Pharmacy

Philadelphia, PA

Joined on 12/18/09

Exp Points:
14,356 / 14,390
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Vote Power:
7.78 votes
Staff Sergeant
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Bacon92's News

Posted by Bacon92 - July 16th, 2012

After over a year of composition and programming, I have finally managed to finish my fourth album: Approaching Infinity. I would like to give a big thanks to collaborators Deshiel and Miles Hartl for bringing their talents and input into the album; it would not have been the same with out them. One can get a full FREE DOWNLOAD of the download at my bandcamp website (http://mcbacon.bandcamp.com). Enjoy or not :)

- Professor Admiral Bacon

FINALLY!!! MY NEWEST ALBUM: Approaching Infinity


Posted by Bacon92 - September 7th, 2011

Alright, a few weeks ago I announced my latest news and stated that I may resubmit my songs after three months; this, unfortunately, will be happening sooner. It appears that my scores are dropping at a constant rate with no negative feedback whatsoever in the form of reviews, constructive or otherwise. This has lead me to speculate that someone is seriously hating on me and therefore blamming my submissions. IF YOU ARE BLAMMING MY SUBMISSIONS PLEASE GIVE ME CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM!!! And if anyone has a personal issue or any issue in general, please message me; I don't wish to fight and hope we can resolve any conflicts in a civilized and adult manner. Now that is said, I will discuss the positives of resubmitting my work. First of all, every artist "resubmits" their work simply by reissuing and repackaging their albums and other works. Next, my resubmitted work will be improved from the last in that I will remaster the track. If anyone is unsatisfied with the remastered work and wishes to hear the original, then please message me and I will get you a copy of it. After I resubmit my work I will wait about a month for feedback; if the new submissions are low in scores without proper constructive criticism, then I will be forced to forfeit this account and make a new one where I will once again resubmit my work. This may seem sketchy, but I really don't care; I am a victim of a childish act. I know I am not the best on the Audio Portal, but I believe that my scores should, for the most part stay stable if no one gives me any feedback. I am NOT doing this to flood the Audio Portal; I want to provide other artists with the same opportunity to share their music (which more than half of the time is better than mine). So, once I finish my resubmitting I'll give it a month and see if I need to create a new account (I really hope I don't). IF THERE IS ANYONE READING THIS PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT!!! I'm always willing to hear out my fans and critics alike, tell me what you think of this entire matter. Well, I think is all for now; I'll check back in a month or so.

- Professor Admiral Bacon

Posted by Bacon92 - August 20th, 2011

Alright, It's been a long while since my last post; music was made, tears and sweat was shed, and the haters kept on hating (and the taters were most certainly tating). So for those who are paying attention my latest album "Critical Mass" is my THIRD album, "Schwarzwald" which I didn't even bother announcing was my second. In the time between my last post (a little over a year) I have hit the top 30 a few times (one example pictured below) which was good and bad at the same time: I was able to get a little extra attention but my ratings went down due to jealous zero bombers. Right now I'm at an all time low in submission scores due to punk-ass 15 year olds who don't know what the hell EDM is suppose to sound like. Granted I'm not one of the best musicians on the audio portal but I'd go out to say that I'm half decent and deserve 4 or 5s or at least some good constructive critisms on my submissions. I don't know, maybe my scores will bounce back; they have in the past. I'll give it three months and if they're not where I want them to be I'll resubmit them, it may be a little sketchy but I don't care, I've paid my dues in the time I've been on Newgrounds so hopefully the audio listens will throw me a freakin' bone. Well I guess that's all the news/ranting I've got for now. So please check out my site and download my album for FREE if you like my tunes; it's easier than trying to download them on the audio portal one song at a time. I'd also appreciate anyone's thoughts on the album, this post, my music, or the audio portal in general; but whatever, It's not like anyone is actually reading my posts anyway.

- Professor Admiral Bacon


New Album and other matters

Posted by Bacon92 - July 6th, 2010

WOW, a lot has happened since I posted my first piece on Newgrounds in December 2009: I've completed a whole album (11 tracks of the 13 I posted so far), I've been on the top 30 best tracks board in the audio portal thrice, and several loving ( and hating a like) listeners have listened, voted, reveiwed and downloaded my music; to this I am ever grateful.
I have had a change of heart with my stagename though, intead of MC Bacon, which would suggest that I rap, I have decided to take the title of DJ (Professor Admiral) Bacon.
I am also glad to annonce that my endeavours in musical programming have been carried out in vain; this is due to a unique oppurtunity I have been offered wherein I shall be creating music for a video game which will be presented at E3 next year known as "Final Saga".
Lastly I would like to give out links to my websites where one can more easily download my entire album and see what else I am up to:

DJ Bacon's Bandcamp
DJ Bacon's Myspace
DJ Bacon's Facebook